Goals for Great Beginnings

  1. To provide a loving, caring atmosphere where physical affection is freely given.
    To instill in each child a feeling of autonomy and a positive self-concept.
  2. To provide a joyful, enthusiastic and spontaneous approach with the children.
  3. To meet each child’s physical needs.
  4. To establish the foundations for respect of equipment
  5. To establish the foundations for respect of others – Social Development
  6. To provide for the language development that is so important at this stage of development
  7. To make available developmentally and individually appropriate materials on the shelves at the child’s level (manipulatives, dramatic play, pull toys, Fisher-Price….).
  8. To provide ample opportunity for use of gross motor skills.
  9. To provide a variety of activities that begin to introduce the following curriculum areas: art, science, cooking, social studies, dramatic play, manipulative activities, language, large motor, music and movement.
  10. To be supportive of parents, encouraging involvement, encouraging open and honest communication, with tact and discretion.
  11. To develop staff potential through proper supervision by making expectations clear, following through to see that expectations are met, and utilizing staff input and abilities.
  12. To develop self-help skills in order to create a feeling of independence and confidence in the child. (This can be accomplished through toilet training, encouraging children to dress themselves and to help in food preparation.)
  13. To provide care in smaller subgroups, in order to give each child more personal attention, to prevent under and over stimulation, to allow more freedom of choices, and to maintain a more relaxed atmosphere.